Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello, 911. Please state your emergency...

Sooooo.... Not a good day at work yesterday.  It was warm yesterday, but not as warm as it had been last week, and the humidity was pretty low as well. I started out at Entrance 3 for about three hours with mixed feelings and results about my photo's. I did take a really cool mini-photo shoot for this family and their two kids who looked about 3 and 4.  I can do that when it's slow, and especially if the parent's are receptive, as these were.  You really can actually do this when working any of the 3 entrance positions or as Rover (which requires special training) because everyone else is on tripods around the park. Anyways, cute kids, fun times.  Then I went to lunch for 30, Backside 1 for an hour before receiving my 15 min break, which i wasn't too happy about, but apparently they were running behind on breaks, and needed me to go on mine now so that i could go to Character Spot and start breaking people there.  This was to be my closing position.  I call in to get my assignment after my 15 and dispatch actually has me go to the View just so this girl (we'll call her Macey) can go on her 30, and then I'll be sent to C spot. Okay, cool, no biggie, I like the View.  Ohhhhhh mannn..... When I get there, there's only two Photopass workers for the four stations we have, and the line is out the door!!!! Okay.  Okay.... So Macey and I call base and tell them the situation, and it's decided that Macey and I will both stay there, bringing the count up to 3 to work through the line.  The first family I get is visiting from India, and the parent's accents are really thick; so much so that the kids are translating for me. A girl about 8 and boy around 11.  They go through their pictures, pick 15 they want, and then ask about packages. Okay, we have the capture the magic package which gives you 4 pictures for $30 (you get two 5x7's and two 4x6's). They get 3 packages, leaving 3 pictures to buy separately.  The dad says he wants all of them as 4x6's, oh, except this one, which he wants as a 5x7.  Now. In retrospect, if I had explained to him that it would be much cheaper to get all three as 5x7's, maybe I could have averted what was to come.  But they were really firm what they wanted when picking their pictures and borders, so I figured that I wouldn't be able to sway him on this either.  So when we get up to the cashier, he's taken aback by how much more it is.  He wants the other three as 5x7's.  Also, as I was putting together the package, I discover I printed one picture twice and now have to figure out which one I forgot. That takes probably 10-15 min's.  Then when we go to ring him up again, the math isn't coming out.  UUUGGGHHH!!!! Seriously?! And it was the poor merchandise girl's first day; she had been dispatched from a different park to work with us. So she had no clue where the shortcuts were to ring stuff up manually. Takes us another 10 minutes or so to figure it out. The dad stays super calm through all of this, which is really nice.  We finally figure out the register, the price is right, everything is good, and then the little girl faints, hits her head on the floor and starts convulsing.  Okay.... Okay.... Deep breath... So the parents pick her up, freaking out a little, naturally, and I turn to the Merchandise girl and say, "you need to call a manager and get them here right away." To which she responds, with wide eyes, "It's my first day! I don't know the number!!"  In short, I call my base, who calls the merch base to get the managers over there. I then call 911 and explain the situation.  The parents are confused with what exactly 911 is, as the merch girl is panicking a little, which I can tell because she's having a hard time explaining what 911 is, but due to the severity of what happened, and what other guests in line told me they saw, I knew she was going to need to be checked out. She was out for around 30 seconds and then was definitely out of it compared to how bouncy she was at the beginning of the interaction.  Paramedic's came and looked her over for a long time. It was really weird to have to continue working with guests while this was going on and I felt sooo bad, but Macey pointed out that I shouldn't feel bad because we don't know if it would have happened later when they were in the car ride home, and at least they were here where we had care available almost right away.

So! What have I learned from this, because it's only going to get hotter:
  • Know the number to your managers
  • Know the extension you're calling from (I did not, and it was embarrassing to admit that to 911...)
  • I now know how to ring stuff up manually, which is important b/c we get a lot of merch people dispatched to us for some reason...
I had to leave before the situation was fully resolved, but I'm sure the little girl was fine. I think having stood for around an hour combined with the heat is what did it. Here's hoping today brings better experiences... : /


  1. Yikes, scary!

    I only had to call 911 once or twice. Once was for a guest that had a headache from getting water in their ear and wanted to be checked out. I felt so dumb calling for that, but the guest requested it, and I couldn't say "Um... no."

    You know, it is actually pretty lucky that you had all of the delays with the pictures so they were somewhere safe when it happened, instead of being out at a bus stop or on a buswhere it would have taken longer to get help!

  2. Thanks so much for the comment! It was really scary, I just panic inside and let it out later, lol. But that's exactly what my coworker said, was that luckily it happened when they family was surrounded by people who were able to immediately jump in and help. And I didn't even think about if they would possibly have been on a bus; that surely would have been warmer than our store as I've seen how packed those buses get!

  3. 911 is so intimidating! I've only had to call once so far and I was totally panicking! A guests 2 year old daughter had fallen outside my shop somewhere (was bleeding from her mouth)
    and mom came in carrying her and yelling help me help me! Totally freaked me out since I had no idea what happened. You sound like you handled it really well though and thanks for helping us deployed merchandise CMs out. Its not easy to learn everything about a new place in a few days! I'm sure the family appreciated your help!

  4. Scary!
    It seems like you handled it well and I'm sure the family appreciated you being the one to help them since you had been working with them for quite a while! :)
